

确保群众生命安全 太原“最牛楼商品房”住户要搬家
2014-04-26 15:29:00



Yang, Dongshan transit expressway in Extinguishing shelter under the viaduct 15 years of "the most commercial cattle building," the residents who will soon move out of here. April 12, in this tangle of problems for many years, the city government in conjunction with the relevant units and departments to come up with a mission solution: go all out, the rapid placement of the mass relocation of buildings, eliminate all security risks.

Dongshan Coal Mine cement bridge on the 4th floor is an old run-down quarters of the 4th floor brick building, because hidden in the Jia Yu Yang, Dongshan Bridge crossing Highway 15, was known as the Taiyuan Internet users, "the cattle building housing." Recently, reports published, broadcast related post, the provincial government attaches great importance to higher levels, clear directions to require a high degree of attention and effectively organize the vital interests of good relations between things. Municipal government instructed the relevant higher and higher authorities on this rapid organization and coordination, as soon as possible to come up solutions.
In the city of Taiyuan Expressway consultant coordination and manufacturers and the active cooperation of Dongshan Coal Mine, the fastest pace in recent Jia Yu Yang, under the viaduct will be four floors of merchandise inside the mass relocation and demolition of the buildings on real estate. Government asked the relevant departments on the East Ring Road along the eight violations under the bridge and around the building one by one thoroughly registration, the complete elimination of highway safety problems around the building.

德国演员森永健司抢包被捕 演戏不挣钱只好抢劫
2011-04-26 09:02:44
德国著名演员森永健司  艺人达到一个份上太丢人了

  新快报讯 德国著名演员森永健司日前因抢劫路人皮包被公安抓获。审讯时,森永健司对犯罪事实供认不讳,称只为补贴生存费才无奈做出犯法之事。4月8日晚上8时许,在东京都世田谷区下马街道上,一个63岁的女公务员正骑车回家,放在自行车筐里皮包被身后猛然出现的身影抢走,丢失了现金7.5万日元(约合人民币6000元)。



German actor Kenji Morinaga scrambling acting do not make money but to robbery arrest
2011-04-26 09:02:44
German actor Kenji Morinaga artist reach a sake too embarrassed

Express News German actor Kenji Morinaga pedestrians for robbery bag before the public security arrested. At trial, Kenji Morinaga confessed to the crime, saying that subsidies for living expenses only for the offense was helpless to make things. April 8 at 8 pm, in Setagaya-ku, Tokyo dismount the streets, a 63-year-old civil servant who was riding home on a bike basket purse was snatched figure appears behind him suddenly, lost 7.5 million in cash yen (about 6000 yuan).

April 22, Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department will be scrambling to theft suspects were arrested, and found guilty of actually scrambling famous German actor, 46-year-old Kenji Morinaga. According to public security briefing, Kenji Morinaga not only confessed to the crime, but also said harshly: "This is something I have done 20 times. By acting almost miss a meal, grab some money to subsidize living expenses."

It is reported that Morinaga Kenji's father was the late former www.24g7.com baseball coach Mori Hiroshima Toyo Yongsheng also the wife to visit the garden horse professional wrestler. Kenji Morinaga high school I have participated in the Koshien high school baseball competition of Germany, after he became a professional actor starred in "very bad non-road", "unsinkable Sun" and other movies, television dramas, many for the villain role






Recently, Guiyang City, Metro Yue construction of public rental housing to live groundbreaking ceremony was held. As a "five-second" protection of lives in Sichuan Province during the first commercial building projects, the total construction area of 100 square meters, with a total investment of 2.5 billion, will be completed within two years to deliver public consumption, the project will address 16,000 households live in housing low-income people hard.

In fact, as early as March 9 this year, the city transit investment company signed an agreement with the Sichuan Provincial People's Government, in Sichuan Province low-cost housing to live in public rental housing to live in shantytowns and other subsidized housing projects and the construction of supporting facilities work. Zhang Zhi indicate that the "second Five-Year" period, the transit investment in Sichuan Province, the city completed construction of various types of subsidized housing area of 1,000 square meters, 20 million live in housing units, with a total investment of about 200 billion yuan.

According to the mayor of Guiyang Yong Lee then introduced the city to www.3jiav.com live has been the establishment of low-cost housing, affordable housing and other support to live the rules of living focusing on housing, urban and rural areas through various channels to solve housing problems of low-income groups live in government housing policy system of living, and 22,630 families into low-rent housing live in security, building a 11 million square meters of housing affordable to live, to solve the nearly 12 million households live in housing problems, some problems of urban low-income families live in the residential real estate housing conditions have certainly improved .

"Twelve Five" period, Guiyang City will start construction under the guidance of the government to live in public rental housing based protection of 500 million square meters of housing to live. At the same time, will lead the world to participate in building various types of investors, to operate a public rental housing 8.5 million square meters of living, and strive to "second five" final solution 270,000 middle-income families live in housing problems.

As of the end of 2010, Sichuan Province, a number of ways of 353,500 live in urban housing problems of low-income families perform a guarantee. "Twelve Five" period, the Sichuan Province will guarantee completion of 398,200 housing construction, and will adopt a "government-enterprise cooperation," a new model, and vigorously the implementation of "Housing" plan of action. http://24g7.com/b9b8/b9b8-11.htm

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